Increase the personality of your business, through understanding the personality of your people.
Reduce Staff Turnover
When a member of staff suddenly leaves an organisation, who cares? The answer lies somewhere between the people you remain connected to and no-one else.
The truth is, putting the care factor in front of one of the biggest wastes of money in business is the way forward. The problem is people don’t know how to do it. With the best intentions, they get it wrong. A lot. People are complicated.
The CEO, FD, or SMB business owner care. The shareholders care. They care about saving money where they can. Yes, many do care about their employees, but this is for everyone. Keeping good people is a proven way to save your organisation thousands, but it’s the interpersonal complexity that gets in the way of good intention.
If keeping good staff and reducing turnover are the objectives, there are two considerations that need to be met.
1. It starts with the recruitment process to ensure the best candidates are ‘hardwired’ to cope with your work environment
2. It is fulfilled by management with a high level of self and social awareness who understand what each person needs to thrive.
Losing good people does not need to be a fact of life but doing everything possible to keep them should be a way of life.
This short guide demonstrates how to save a lot of money, avoid disruption, and turn money down the drain into competitive advantage.
In terms of staff turnover, less is more.
Matching the Work Environment
The biggest reason staff quit is the mismatch between the individual’s personal psychology and their work environment.
Some people will thrive in your given work environment, whereas many will struggle. This is not about skill. Without flexibility and the ability to successfully match the individual to your work environment, staff turnover is a given.
It really is that simple and the speed, accuracy, and low cost of effectively capturing this through profiling makes it a no brainer. ROI in a box.
Look at this example.
A role requires accuracy. An absolute need to get the details right all day, every day. The skill factor could be determined as easy to learn.
In the wrong hands, for someone who needs to work very hard to get the details right (I am one of those people), it will always be more of a struggle. But it’s more than that.
When the environmental pressure demands it, I can make a supreme effort to get the job done right, but this is where the negative impact lurks. This is where, going unchecked, the impact of lost energy means a loss of productivity and a lower sense of wellbeing. Get me out of here!
Apply this thinking in another context. A top performer in sales is promoted to the role of sales manager, with no consideration of a) what underpinned the success and b) that is consistent in the demands of the new, more complex position. There is often a mismatch.
When the high performer gets a promotion that becomes unfulfilled, everybody loses.
This happens over and over. Find out what people are most suited to and get them to do those things most of the time if you want to have a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce overnight.
Increase the Effectiveness of Management Training
The next biggest reason why people quit? Given that 51% of people cite their line manager as the reason for quitting and that many people quit within the first few weeks, clearly there is opportunity to provide a better solution. Business intelligence that managers can act on.
When the cost of training staff is calculated and a budget set, how is the risk calculated for training those who leave shortly after? This is a great example of the cost/risk/performance continuum out of balance.
If you have a world class training experience, unless you can stem the flow of disengaged people leaving the business, you add value to competitors, by design,
Training and support needs are determined by our psychology. With a deeper understanding of employees’ personal psychology, leaders can provide the right support to the right people, in the right way, and at the right time.
Enabling a workforce is full of complex human elements, but the rewards and return on an investment in helping people understand each other will enable you to enhance the impact of training, by allowing the training enough time to serve its purpose.
The benefit of people who get to do their jobs better through training, is multiplied when they are trained to do the job they are naturally geared to do well. Reducing staff turnover reduces the direct high cost of recruitment and achieves higher performance quickly.
Increase the personality of your business, by understanding the personality of your people. Performance in a box. A simple, effective, and affordable way to unlock your competitive advantage.